Monday, February 15, 2010

I got into UNC!

I stopped by the post office today, for like the millionth time to check on a package my wonderful aunt and grandma sent me (no luck yet, but I'm going into town to the 'big post' office tomorrow to try to track it down!) and instead of a package I found a letter from UNC?! How incredibly old school to send a PAPER TANZANIA! But do your thing UNC!

I started opening the letter, and for all of my telling myself "it'll be ok if you don't get in; your future is not staked on this" my hands were shaking as I pulled out the contents. ..

"Congratulations, you've been accepted to the PhD program in the Maternal and Child Health department"
...and that was pretty much all I needed to see before I took off at a run across campus to tell someone, anyone really. I came flying into the office a little bit like a puppy who hasn't quite figured out that their back legs are attached to their front and stopped from crashing into a cabinet just in time to shout out the good news. "I GOT IN!"

After I'd calmed down enough (and my hands stopped shaking) I read through the letter and saw that while I have been admitted by the UNC graduate school, my department (Maternal Child Health) has yet to decide on funding. So, I'm in but I don't know yet if I'll be supported.

Still, half way there. Big step!!

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